Exceptional dentures.
Extraordinary smiles.
About Dr. Chris Nelson
Dr. Chris (left) and Dr. Mike (right) are the father-son dentist-duo at Nelson Family Dental. Part of a three-generation legacy that started with Dr. Leon Nelson in 1961. Dr. Chris LOVES helping patients who need dentures. Implant Dentures, Immediate Dentures, you name it, we probably do it. And we have exceedingly high standards. Dr. Leon Nelson (prior to his retirement) was THE GUY in Redding CA to do “difficult dentures” and would receive referrals from patients and other doctors in town to get the job done, and well! Dr. Chris Nelson has continued that family legacy. While we do not ONLY do dentures at www.NelsonFamily.Dental, we find ourselves very busy with referrals from happy patients, just like Dr. Leon back in the day. We also work with referring doctors like: Team Perio, Shasta Oral Surgery, Riverside Oral Surgery, Redding Oral Surgery, and Northern Premier Oral Surgery. Let us together make you happy, and improve your smile!
Simply Natural.
Believe it or not, this beautiful smile is a denture. Our patients routinely get compliments from strangers like: “you have such nice teeth!” (Not knowing what they are looking at is a denture). We make every effort to match your new teeth to the shape of your face, your lips, and your smile! Even if your current teeth are broken and loose, we can craft a simply natural setup that is customized for you. No two people are the same, and you deserve a customized set of teeth that is unique to you. Our methodical process, as we craft your smile, is absolutely worth the journey. You will work with Dr. Chris Nelson to achieve a simply natural smile that you will love!
Porcelain Teeth.
Check out those blades! Before dental implants were invented, porcelain teeth dentures with this innovative blade-bite design were the tops! And they still are. You may not have heard of or seen porcelain teeth dentures, because it is not offered at other offices. They take years to master and specialized training to make; a premium option with beautiful aesthetics that rival porcelain veneers or crowns on natural teeth. Our patients love the sharpened porcelain teeth that chew lettuce with ease. And porcelain teeth dentures can last MUCH longer than acrylic teeth dentures, even decades under the right circumstances. For those who do not want dental implants (or can not have implants due to medical reasons) and want the best chewing experience paired with a product that has the potential to last many years: Porcelain Teeth Dentures! Dr. Nelson has spent over 13 years mastering this specific dental skill and loves sharing the beautiful results with happy patients!
Snap-on Dentures.
Do you have a loose lower denture? Or maybe you are tired of having the roof of your mouth covered with acrylic? We can solve both of these problems! One of the simplest ways to stabilize a loose denture (or remove palatal coverage) is to add two, four, or six dental implants. This is our most commonly selected upgrade when we make a new set of teeth! Pictured here is a new lower denture with snap-on attachments. Dr. Nelson has completed specialized training on this technique. But more importantly, Dr. Nelson has worked for over 13 years to achieve predictable results for you, and this level of experience, really matters because they are not easy to master! Typically we also add either a metal mesh, metal framework, or resin fiber reinforcement inside these dentures to strengthen your new teeth, just in case of a drop or other damage. In this photo, the framework is not visible (it is internal). And for a new upper denture, removing the palatal coverage also aids in taste, and comfort!
Permanent Dentures.
We offer fixed, non-removable dentures fabricated out of beautiful zirconia with hand-layered porcelain (like porcelain veneers or crowns). In addition to being beautiful, they are very strong and durable. We only offer this to patients that meet very specific requirements, requirements that set us both up for success! And if you check all the boxes (some of which are ideal oral hygiene, certain lip-position, and skeletal jaw relationships), you will be very happy with our methodical and customized process of achieving permanent non-removable dentures. We expect our patients to be patients for a lifetime, and as such our interests are shared, to achieve a smile that you absolutely love!
Want to see more happy patient example photos?
What to expect from a new patient exam or consultation with our practice! Basically this boils down to three things, which happen to be our Core Values: Success in the Sandbox, Positive Patient Experiences, and Check in Before You Check Out. Yep. www.NelsonFamily.Dental also find us at www.Denture.Doctor and on Instagram...
Listen to Dr. Chris Nelson of www.denture.doctor talk about dentures and the importance of natural tooth set up to achieve natural smiles. What is more important than getting a beautiful result? Being creative! Delivering what the patient wants! What you’ll see in this video is a discussion about dentures and you’ll get to hear Dr. Nelson’s philosophy on gold teeth and smiles. #reddingca #reddingdentist #dentist #denturedoctor